In Midst of the Worst, the Best of Times

“…we had everything before us, we had nothing before us…”

Dragoș Bădiță, Irina Botea Bucan, Iulian Bisericaru, Matei Bejenaru, Megan Dominescu, Sebastian Hosu, Adelina Ivan, Aurora Király, Olivia Mihălțianu, Alexandru Solomon

September 04 – October 16, 2020

lítost Gallery, Prague

‘In Midst of Worst, Best of Times’ is conceived in cooperation with Anca Poterasu Gallery, Bucharest. The event is part of SUMO and has been kindly supported by the Romanian Cultural Institute Prague, the Ministry of Culture Czech Republic Arts Grant, the Culture Fund of Czech Republic Arts Grant, the Prague City Hall’s Cultural and Arts Grant and Key Promotion.

The exhibition brings together a number of works that primarily reflect on the shifting limitations of our spaces and the bending of our perception of time caused by the unaccustomed realities brought forth due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The show revolves around the domestic and familiar, around the artists’ studios and their homes. With all the works made during the lockdown period, the presentation is systematized as a journal of changes, adaptations and reactions through which the artistic processes reveal intimate exchanges with the world at large.

 ‘In Midst of the Worst, the Best of Times’ an exhibition curated by Anca Poterașu at lítost gallery in Prague 

Self Portrait as Pierrot, 2020
In Midst of the Worst → the Best of Times→
In Midst of the Worst → the Best of Times→
Megan Dominescu, Botox, 2020
Megan Dominescu, Anxiety has many faces, 2020

You can download the curatorial text below.