Anetta Mona Chişa is a visual artist working in sculpture, video, performance and text to make work that explores transforming matter, environments, technologies and their politics and materialities. She is interested in non-hylomorphic models of sculpting and in the potential of matter to transform in time. She often works in tandems with other artists and with the materials she uses. In 2006, together with Lucia Tkáčová she was the Oskár Čepan Award laureate and in 2011 she exhibited at the 54th Venice Biennial in the acclaimed show Performing History (with Lucia Tkacova and Ion Grigorescu). Her individual works and collaborative projects have been presented at Rudolfinum gallery Prague, GAK Bremen, Cukrarna Ljubljana, n.b.k. Berlin, Karlín Studios Prague, Kunstraum Niederösterreich in Vienna, The 8th Floor in New York, Lunds Konsthall, Haifa Museum of Art, Anca Poterasu Gallery Bucharest, Museum of Contemporary Art Wroclaw, Bozar in Brussels, KINDL Center for Contemporary Art in Berlin, MoCA Miami, MuMoK Vienna, The Power Plant Toronto, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, at the Venice Biennale, Taipei Biennale, and the Moscow Biennale among others.
Solo exhibitions
2022 Pharmacopoeia, Kunsthalle Bratislava (with Aleksandra Vajd)
2021 Temporal Parts, Anca Poterasu gallery, Bucharest
2021 Before or After, ArtivistLab, Prague (with Lucia Tkacova)
2021 havoC, anaeMia, A tacticaL knoT, us, Kunstraum Lakeside, Klagenfurt (with Lucia Tkacova)
2020 The Growing Argument, Zahorian Van Espen Bratislava
2019 Equally Near and Equally Far, Museumcultuur Strombeek Gent, Strombeek-Bever
2019 Cosy Cosmos Cosmetics, SNG – Schaubmar Mill, Pezinok (with Martin Piacek)
2018 i aM an acuTe havoc, so i cAn’t taLk, Calina Foundation, Timisoara (with Lucia Tkacova)
2018 a chaotiC MutaTion, a cAnvas Leak, sandwich gallery, Bucharest (with Lucia Tkacova)
2018 a no, A voLcanic attaCk, a hiT, a Muse, Museumcultuur Strombeek Gent, Strombeek-Bever (with Lucia Tkacova)
2017 i aM a hoT ice, an avAst Luck, a no aCt, Soga gallery, Bratislava (with Lucia Tkacova)
2017 <-prophecy of things->, Banska St a nica Contemporary, Banska Stiavnica (with Lucia Tkacova)
2017 checkouT a Mania, aCt A saLvation, Plusminusnula gallery, Zilina (with Lucia Tkacova)
2017 a huMan, a Lack, a Coin, a cAst. voTe it., Future Museum, Bucharest (with Lucia Tkacova)
2017 Single pinks come and go, farewell red scale, Kunstraum Niederroesterreich, Vienna
2016 i look at a sun, i am a catch, a cave ant, Rotwand gallery, Zurich (with Lucia Tkacova)
2015 ah, soul in a coma, act naive, attack, GAK Gesellschaft fuer Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen (with Lucia Tkacova)
2014 a ManuaL to hAck atavisTic oCean, P/artikel, Hamburg (with Lucia Tkacova)
2013 a Lack, A touch, an aTavisM, a notiCe, Hit gallery, Bratislava (with Lucia Tkacova)
2013 aCtivaTe aMok, not a causaL chAin, waterside contemporary, London (with Lucia Tkacova)
2012 i aM a venus, A conch, a kiT, a Cat, a Lot, Rotwand gallery, Zurich (with Lucia Tkacova)
2012 Either Way, We Lose, Sorry we’re closed, Brussels (with Lucia Tkacova)
2012 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (with Lucia Tkacova, with Jana Zelibska), Make Up Gallery, Kosice
2011 The Diplomatic Tent, Salonul de proiecte Bucharest (with Lucia Tkacova, with Ion Grigorescu)
2011 Performing History, Romanian Pavilion (with Lucia Tkacova, with Ion Grigorescu), 54 Biennale di Venezia
2011 Material Culture / Things in our Hands, Christine Koenig gallery, Vienna (with Lucia Tkacova)
2011 The More You Tell Me, the Stronger I Can Hit, Tarsaskor gallery, Budapest (with Lucia Tkacova)
2010 How to Make a Revolution, MLAC, Rome (with Lucia Tkacova)
2010 Far from You, Karlin Studios, Prague (with Lucia Tkacova)
2009 Wager, Collectiva gallery, Berlin (with Lucia Tkacova)
2009 Fair Sex, Hermitage gallery, Chicago (with Lucia Tkacova)
2009 Footnotes to Business, Footnotes to Pleasure, Christine Koenig gallery, Vienna (with Lucia Tkacova)
2008 Anetta Mona Chisa & Lucia Tkacova, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin (with Lucia Tkacova)
2008 Blondes Must Be Stopped, Purple Room, Rome (with Lucia Tkacova)
2008 Romantic Economies, Medium gallery, Bratislava (with Lucia Tkacova)
2006 Everything is Work, Tranzit, Bratislava (with Lucia Tkacova)
2006 Magical Recipes for Love, Happiness and Health, f.a.i.t. gallery, Cracow (with (with Lucia Tkacova)
2006 Ortografio de Potenco, Futura gallery, Prague (with Lucia Tkacova)
2005 Kohabyt, G99, Brno
2005 The Red Library, Jeleni gallery, Prague (with Lucia Tkacova)
2005 Videosomic, Space gallery, Bratislava (with Lucia Tkacova)
2003 A Room of Their Own, Medium gallery, Bratislava (with Lucia Tkacova)
2000 What You Get is What You Get, Priestor Gallery, Bratislava
Group exhibitions
2024 Constallation Galleries Warsaw, Prague, Czech Republic
2023 Blue Sun. Conversations on art, science and ecology, curator Anja Lückenkemper, Timisoara, Romania
2023 SHE DEVIL, curator Benedetta Casini, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2023 The Other/ Re-Imagine the Future curator, Andreja Hribernik, Graz, Austria
2023 Art Encoutners 2023, Timisoara, Romania
2023 All important ideas must include the trees, the mountains, and the rivers, No Name Creative Projects, Paris, France
2023 Utopia in the Real, Art Brusseles 2023
2022 mixed up with others before we even begin, mumok, Vienna
2022 Ich/Du, Meetfactory, Prague
2022 Emergency Exit, Museum of Modern Art +MSUM, Ljubljana
2022 Prey Spray Scene Mean, Cursor Gallery Prague
2022 Folklore Is Not Dead, Gallery of Modern Art Roudnice nad Labem
2022 Empowerment, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg
2022 Contesting Sites of Memory, VI PER gallery Prague
2022 The Influencing Machine, Center for Contemporary Arts Zamek Ujazdowski, Warsaw
2021 Dilithium, Futura gallery, Prague
2021 The Wonderfulness of Memory, Cukrarna Gallery, Ljubljana
2021 Fotograf Festival #11: Earthlings, Karlin Studios, Prague
2021 Potential Agrarianisms, Kunsthalle Bratislava, Bratislava
2021 Man in the Cave, Blansko City Gallery, Blansko
2021 Talking Hands, Jan Koniarek gallery, Trnava
2021 Compassion Fatigue is Over, Rudolfinum gallery Prague
2021 Football. Realism of the game, Floreasca Sports Hall, Bucharest
2021 Intimacy and spectacle in the age of social media, Sofia Art Projects, Sofia
2021 The Freedom to Be Free, Kunstverein Bahnitz, Bahnitz
2020 Where Do We Find Ourselves…, video program for viennacontemporary, Vienna
2020 To Cast Too Bold A Shadow, The 8h Floor, New York city
2020 Cute Acute, Art in Public Space project by MUSIZ Foundation, Flagpoles National Palace of Culture, Sofia
2020 Dum umeni, Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlin
2020 2012 Alphabet Book, online video event by and The Last Archive
2020 My Body, My Show!, Artivist Lab, Prague
2020 Uneven Ground. Fotograf Festival, Garage gallery, Prague
2020 Floating Utopias, Lunds konsthall, Lund
2020 Gegenwarten | Presences, city of Chemnitz
2020 The Way We Are 2.0, Weserburg | Museum fur moderne Kunst, Bremen
2020 Restless Image IV: Feminism and Contemporary Video Art, etc. gallery, Prague
2019 Words are Very Unnecessary, Arter, Istanbul
2019 C:overt, Dongshisangyoung, Seoul
2019 Duet(t), B5 studio, Targu-Mures
2019 Women Make History: Fighting Their Fate, Haifa Museum of Art, Haifa
2019 The Power of The Powerless, Kunsthalle Bratislava
2019 Relational Economies: Labor over Capital, The 8th Floor, New York
2019 How We Want to Work – Collective Practice and Women Artists’ Complicity, das weisse haus, Vienna
2019 Orient V, Colloredo-Mansfeld palace, Prague
2019 It’s ok, I know what I’m doing, Galerija Reflektor, Uzice
2019 Callosum, Mobius Gallery, Bucharest
2019 Fauxthenticity, The Austrian Cultural Forum in Prague
2019 Mystics of Hygiene, Regional Gallery of Liberec, Liberec
2019 Index Fossil, New Synagogue, Zilina
2019 Feast of Fools. Bruegel Rediscovered., Kasteel van Gaasbeek, Gaasbeek
2019 The Way We Are, Weserburg | Museum fur moderne Kunst, Bremen
2019 Dry Crust and Oceans of Liquid Matter, Horse & Pony FA, Berlin
2019 Pangea United, Muzeum Sztuki in Lodz, Lodz
2019 The Influencing Machine, Nicodim gallery, Bucharest
2019 States of Focus, Wroclaw Contemporary Museum, Wroclaw
2019 Guerilla of Enlightenment, < rotor >, Graz
2019 (Dis)connection, Kunstvereniging Diepenheim, Diepenheim
2018 Probe 1 – The Story of Slovak (Post)Conceptual art, Prague City Gallery, Prague
2018 Civilization at the Crossroad: Engineers of Scientific-Technical Revolution, FUTURA gallery/Display gallery, Prague
2018 Two Heads, Four Hands, 8smicka, Humpolec
2018 The Fetishes of Today, Nitra Gallery, Nitra
2018 University of Craft Action Thought. Representationalism, Zollamt, Bad Radkersburg
2018 SHE DEVIL Remix, Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato
2018 Mademoiselle, Centre regional d’Art Contemporain Occitanie, Sete
2018 I’m not here, I’m in Arcadia, Nitra gallery, Nitra
2018 The die is cast (Where are those dice?), Nova Cvernovka, Bratislava
2018 Summer of Photography, CC Strombeek/Bozar, Brussels
2018 Video Europe for Everybody, ICA Sofia
2018 OK / XII. The triennial of small object and drawing, Jozef Kollar gallery, Banska Stiavnica
2018 Questioning value, Medium gallery, Bratislava
2018 Somewhere in Between, Bozar, Brussels
2018 Orient, Kim?, Riga / Bunkier Sztuki, Cracow
2018 Multilogues on the Now: On Health, Work and Emotions, Display, Prague
2018 L’amour tout cru, l’Espace Saint-Mengold, Huy
2018 Current signs, das weisse haus, Vienna
2018 Art is Work, Krokus gallery, Bratislava
2017 Communicating Vessels, Galeria Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow
2017 Stopover – Ways of Temporary Exchange, frei_raum Q21, Vienna
2017 Nekem Trianon // For me, Trianon, Chimera-Project Gallery, Budapest
2017 Collection Collective. Template for a Future Model of Representation,, Bratislava
2017 Global Control and Censorship, Nova synagoga Zilina
2017 For beyond that horizon lies another horizon, Edith-Russ-Haus for Media Art, Oldenburg
2017 Identity, Avesta Art, Sweden
2017 Scattered Disc, Futura gallery, Prague
2017 Pro(s)thesis, xhibit and Picture Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna
2017 Prime numbers, waterside contemporary, London
2016 How Long Is Now?, KINDL – Centre for Contemporary Art, Berlin
2016 Cosi fan tutte, the school of lovers, Protomoteca Biblioteca Civica, Verona
2016 Please Empty Your Wallets, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Rijeka
2016 Lesson of Relativity, Zoya gallery, Bratislava
2016 Newrope, Nitrianska galeria, Nitra
2016 Our Heart Is a Foreign Country, FKSE Studio Gallery, Budapest
2016 Hero Mother, Momentum – Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin
2016 L’Economie de la tension, Parc Saint Leger, Centre d’art contemporain, Pougues- les-Eaux
2016 Universal Hospitality, Alte Post, Vienna
2016 Cut with the Kitchen Knife through the Raw Future of 100 Years Before, Spatiu Intact, Cluj
2016 Gemeinsam sind wir stark!, Wandzeitung #33/Studiofest, Vienna
2016 Capitalist Melancholia, HALLE 14 – Zentrum fur zeitgenossische Kunst, Leipzig
2015 Who Is Playing?, MeetFactory, Prague
2015 Life: A User’s Manual, Galerija Prozori, Zagreb
2015 books + papers, Christine Koenig Galerie, Vienna
2015 First Cut, TEBA Factory, Arad
2015 Inside the City. Public Space and Free Space, GAK Gesellschaft fuer Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen
2015 Let’s spit on Hegel again?, L.A.L.D., Torre Santa Susanna
2015 Open City MMXV, Lublin
2015 Nascent States, waterside contemporary, London
2015 Sleepless – The bed in history and contemporary art, 21er Haus, Vienna
2015 All We Are, Gdansk City Gallery
2015 Soft Codes, Wroclaw Contemporary Museum, Wroclaw
2015 MOMENT!, Kunstverein Goettingen, Goettingen
2015 Feminisms, Nordstern Videoart Center, Gelsenkirchen
2014 The First Man was an Artist, Central Slovakian gallery, Banska Bystrica
2014 Dispositions in Time and Space, National Museum of Contemporary Art Bucharest
2014 POZOR! Kalte Grenze, Kunstsammlung, Linz
2014 Who is the director?, 4+4 days in motion, Styblo palace, Prague
2014 Afterimage. Rappresentazioni del conflitto, Galleria Civica, Trento
2014 Menagerie, or Artwork Not About Love, Elaine L. Jacob gallery, Detroit
2014 RE002_We Were All Rocks Once, Sorbus-galleria, Helsinki
2014 Audio Trouble, Centre d’art contemporain La Halle des bouchers, Vienne
2014 Slovenske Narodne Povstanie, Kunsthalle Kosice
2014 Intimity, Galerie Kai Erdmann, Hamburg
2014 Work, Cyprian Majernik gallery, Bratislava
2014 Bash II, Byrdcliffe’s Kleinert/James Gallery, Woodstock, New York
2014 Power & Play, De Markten, Brussels
2014 Unlooped-KINO, Manifesta 10, St Petersburg
2014 La fureur de vivre, La Brasserie / Centre d’Art Contemporain, Foncquevillers
2014 Kongress der Artikulation, Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien, Berlin
2014 Private Nationalism, Kunsthalle Kosice
2014 Time Pieces., Nordstern Videokunstzentrum, Gelsenkirchen
2014, Espai d’art contemporani de Castello, Castello
2013 1848, Central Slovakian Gallery, Banska Bystrica
2013 Upside Down – let’s dance, Cultuurcentrum Strombeek, Strombeek-Bever
2013 RE_001: First Communion of Anemic Young Girls in the Snow and other works, Interstate Projects, Brooklyn, New York
2013 You always return to the water, Rotwand gallery, Zurich
2013 Contextual art, Cyprian Majernik gallery, Bratislava
2013 Bueroarbeit, Years, Copenhagen
2013 Liquid Assets: In the Aftermath of the Transformation of Capital, Steirischer herbst, Graz
2013 An I for an Eye, Austrian Cultural Forum New York
2013 The Second Lore, CUAC – contemporary art, Salt Lake City
2013 Good Girls_Memory, Desire, Power, MNAC, Bucharest
2013 Negative Capability, Galleria Enrico Astuni, Bologna
2013 In This Pavilion One Can See Art,, Bucharest
2013 10 Jahre Lentos, Lentos Art Museum, Linz
2013 Minimal Compact, Christine Koenig gallery, Vienna
2013 Qual & Wahl, Kunstverein Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg
2013 There must be order – Nine artists from Central Europe, Viafarini DOCVA, Milan
2013 S’Long As It’s Yours, Gallery Aferro, Newark
2013 Clash!, Art in General, New York
2012 What Does a Drawing Want?, Beirut, Cairo
2012 Down on Mainstream, Cultuurcentrum Strombeek, Strombeek-Bever
2012 P L A Y_N A T U R E_W O R K_F U T U R E, Tschechisches Zentrum Berlin Drifting Identities, Museum of Zemstvo, Chisinau
2012 The Real Emotions, National Art Museum Cluj, Cluj-Napoca
2012 Present Unlimited, Fabrika 126, Sofia
2012 Vermessung des Donauraumes. Positionen aktueller Kunst., Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie, Regensburg
2012 In 15 min everyone will be in the future, Turkish bath, Plovdiv
2012 Body Language – works from the Fotomuseum Winterthur Collection, Centre culturel suisse, Paris
2012 Ready, Set, Go!, Nitra gallery, Nitra
2012 Artists Film International, Whitechapel Gallery, London
2012 3rd Moscow International Biennale for Young Art, Moscow
2012 Beautiful Game, City Art gallery of Ljubljana
2012 The Circus Crew, LARMgalleri, Copenhagen
2012 Doppio gioco – Double Game, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice
2012 Care Crisis, Futura gallery, Prague
2012 Exit Order – New Situation, Glockengasse No9, Vienna
2012 Demonstrations. Making Normative Orders, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt
2012 Rearview Mirror, Art Gallery of Alberta, Alberta
2011, Slovak National gallery, Bratislava
2011 Eyes Looking for a Head to Inhabit, Muzeum Sztuki Lodz
2011 The Global Contemporary, ZKM | Museum fue Neue Kunst, Karlsruhe
2011 The 29th Biennial of Graphic Arts in Ljubljana, The International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana
2011 Zeroth Years, Povazska gallery – Museum of Art Zilina
2011 In Between Frames, MNAC, Bucuresti
2011 Rearview Mirror, The Power Plant – Contemporary Art gallery, Toronto The Bergen Accords, Hordaland Art Centre, Bergen
2011 Uber Dinge, Kunsthaus Muerz, Muerzzuschlag
2011 Models For Taking Part, Presentation House gallery, Vancouver
2010 Hard to Sell, Good to Have, Palais Sturany, Vienna
2010 Figura cuncta videntis (the all-seeing eye) / Homage to Christoph Schlingensief, TBA21, Vienna
2010 Transition Times – Art video d’Europe centrale, Paris Photo 2010
2010 There Has Been No Future, There Will Be No Past, ISCP, New York
2010 Erased Walls, Mediations Biennale Poznan
2010 First Ural Industrial Biennial, Shockworkers of the Mobile Image, Ekaterinburg
2010 As You Desire Me, Contemporary Art Gallery of Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu
2010 Beyond Credit, Sanat Limani, Istanbul
2010 Over the Counter. Mucsarnok Kunsthalle, Budapest
2010 Videodrome, Autocenter, Berlin
2010 Curated by_Vienna 2010 / Art&Film, Christine Koenig gallery, Vienna
2010 Starter – Works from the Vehbi Koc Foundation Contemporary Art Collection, ARTER, Istanbul
2010 Gender Check, Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw
2010 The artist in the (art) society, Motorenhalle, Dresden
2010 The Atrocity Exhibition, Feinkost gallery, Berlin
2010 While Bodies Get Mirrored, Migros Museum fur Gegenwartskunst, Zurich
2010 Cinema X: I Like to Watch, Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, Toronto
2010 The Romance of my Young Days, the Future of my Nostalgia, Central Slovakian gallery, Banska Bystrica
2010 History, Memory, Identity, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena
2009 Communism never Happend, Feinkost gallery, Berlin
2009 Until the End of the World, AMP Gallery, Athens
2009 The Reach of Realism, Museum of Contemporary Art, Miami
2009 Gender Check, MUMOK Vienna
2009 Totale Erinnerung, Fotofestival Mannheim Ludwigshafen Heidelberg
2009 Don’t Worry It’s Only Money, City Art Rooms, Auckland, New Zealand
2009 Der Schnitt durch die Oberflache legt neue Oberflachen frei, Temporary gallery Cologne
2009 One day I will be a Star, Maison du Livre, de l’Image et du Son, Francois Mitterrand, Villeurbanne
2009 The Making of Art, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt
2009 Working Memory, Tranzit, Bratislava
2009 Things and Thoughts, Collectiva gallery, Berlin
2008 Young Artists’ Biennial, Bucharest
2008 6th Taipei Biennial, Taipei Fine Arts Museum
2008 Manual CC – Instructions for Beginners and Advanced Players, uqbar, Berlin
2008 All about Museum, Slovak National gallery, Bratislava
2008 Petit Histoires, Espace Apollonia, Strasbourg
2008 EL Gabinete Checo, Czech Centre Madrid
2008 Do Something Different, Barbican Centre, London
2008 L’Art en Europe, Domaine Pommery, Reims
2008 The Way Things Are … Works from the TBA21 Collection, Centre of Contemporary Art, Torun
2008 Flowers of Our Lives, Centre of Contemporary Art, Torun
2007 GDP, M’ars Gallery, Moscow
2007 L’Europe en devenir, Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris
2007 Equal Opportunities, C2C gallery, Prague
2007 Humor Works, Skuc gallery, Ljubljana
2007 Public art Bucharest
2007 Bad Beuys Entertainment, Boling, Bruno, Chisa & Tkacova, collectif fact, Matsoukis, Mirza, Previeux, Rungjang, Zucconi, Galerie West, Hague
2007 Bio Power, Medium Gallery, Bratislava
2007 Shooting Back, TBA21, Vienna
2007 GDP, Municipal gallery, Prague
2007 Prague Biennale 3, Karlin Hall, Prague
2007 The Space Between, The Daryl Roth Theatre, New York
2007 New Video Art from Central Europe: Art Power, RISD Museum, Providence
2007 Locus Solus (talks of inanimate reason at the country estate), Myto, Mexico City
2007 “art world etiquette”, ThreeWalls, Chicago
2007 The Collection, Trafo gallery, Budapest
2007 Partners in Crime, gallery MC, New York
2007 Culture Clash, Bastard gallery, Oslo
2006 Transfer, Muzej savremene likovne umetnosti, Novi Sad
2006 YVAA, The Kosova Art Gallery, Prishtina
2006 Arrivals>Slovakia, Turner Contemporary, Margate
2006 Marketenderin. Giveaways und Performances, Hartware MedienKunstVerein, Dortmund
2006 Runaway, Space Gallery, Bratislava
2006 Kuba: Journey Against the Current, TBA21, Vienna
2006 Shadows of Humor, BWA Awangarda, Wroclaw
2006 Keine Wunderkammer, Hit gallery, Bratislava
2006 My Love is Dead, gallery Oel-Fruh, Hamburg
2006 Innenansicht, Kunstraum NOE, Vienna
2006 Frisbee, Dum panu z Kunstatu, Brno
2005 The Artist With Two Brains, NAB – Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham
2005 It Happenned Elsewhere, Vision Center, Cork
2005 Prague Biennale 2, Karlin Hall, Prague
2005 Iconoclash, The Spitz Gallery, London
2005 RE-SHUFFLE: Notions of an Itinerant Museum, Art in General, New York
Lectures and presentations
2020contributor to Liquid Dogmas – Platform for Art, Culture and Ecology
2020 After the Order – Sara Reisman in conversation with Artist Anetta Mona Chisa, The Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation – The 8th Floor, NY
2019 Vibrant Matter, audiovisual cycle screening, La Casa Encendida, Madrid
2019 Lecture: Metal into fire, gold into words, trash into dreams, PRAHA / Fórum pro architekturu a
média, Brno
Residencies and awards
2017 Deltaworkers, New Orleans, USA
2016 AIR Niederostereich, Krems, Austria
2015 Teatru Spalatorie, Chisinau, Moldova
2014 Salzamt, Linz, Austria
2011 Banska st a nica, Banska Stiavnica, Slovakia
2011 ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany
2011 Art School Palestine, Ramallah, Palestine
2011 KSAK Chisinau, Moldova
2010 Meet Factory, Praha, Visegrad Fund artist-in-residence program, Czech rep.
2009 Château Trebesice, Czech rep.
2009 finalists for Henkel Art.Award (with L. Tkácova)
2008 F+F, Zurich, Pro Helvetia artist-in-residence program, Switzerland
2007 Ujazdowski castle, Warsaw, Visegrad Fund artist-in-residence program, Poland
2006 International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP), New York City, USA
2006 Oskar Cepan Award – laureats of Young Visual Artists Award Slovakia (with L. Tkácova)
2006 Quartier21, MuseumsQuartier, Vienna, Austria
2006 CEC ArtsLink residency hosted by 911 Media Arts Center Seattle, USA
2005 Cite des Artes, Paris, France
1998 Euarca (European Art Camps), Waldviertel, Austria
Curated Projects
2022 The Jindruch Chalupecky Award, National Gallery, Prague
2018 Coververze – Jakub Geltner, Nevan contempo, Prague
2017 Ideal Co-ownership – Tomas Dzadon, Krokus gallery, Bratislava
2016 Ornamentiana – Svatopluk Mikyta, Fait gallery, Brno (with L. Tkácova)
2010 The People’s Utopia, 4+4 dny v pohybu, Federální shromáždění, Praha
2009 Capitalistic Communism, Dům umění města Brno
2007 Simple Living, Contemporary Art Gallery of the National Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu
2007 Erik Sikora: Už viem na co mi to umenie bude, Galerie Jeleni, Praha
2006 Man, Hero, Spirit, Machine, Medium Gallery, Bratislava (with L. Tkácova)
2006 What Went Wrong, Sound Studio, Semper Depot, Vienna
2006 There could be misinformation, Galeria UNA, Bucharest
2004 About:blank, Burundi display, Bratislava
2003 Error, Hit Gallery, Bratislava (with L. Tkácova)
2003 Escape: CZ, Synagogue – Center of Contemporary Art, Trnava
2002 Franz Pomassl, Synagogue – Center of Contemporary Art, Trnava